Colourful Shopping in Toronto ( courtesy of Wikipedia ) |
Our very own Shopping Centre, with living accommodation close by. |
Our Cherry Lane Mall, to enter, go under the Purple Roof |
The Yellow Sign and the Yellow Taxi. If you don't have a car, a taxi will do. |
A 2000 year old shopping list found recently near Hadrian's Wall belonged to a Roman soldier. It was written in wax on a wooden tablet. It was determined by an Oxford Professor to contain items of clothing. A suit of clothes then would have cost 8% of the soldier's annual income, and a warm cloak to protect him from Britain's cold and wet weather would be 10%. So we had better all quit complaining about the cost of living! All these shopping malls, markets, downtown areas, bazaars, etc for buying things might disappear one day, to be replaced by on-line shopping. But hopefully not in our lifetime!
Oh by the way, if you would like to see a video extolling the beauty of Penticton, try
clicking here!
Just off to Marks and Spencers and Isobel is compiling a shopping list as I type. Hopefully the resulting list will not cost me 8% of my annual income.
I'm sure I could spend 18% of my income on new clothes if I tried hard enough!! On-line shopping will never fully replace the real thing - I hope!!
Nice. I was already thinking, are there mountains in Toronto.
Thank you all for your comments. All the shopping photos are from Penticton, only the first one is from Toronto. No mountains there!
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