Monday, May 21, 2012


"Outside the Fence"

Quench your Thirst Here

Oliver Archives Building

Factory Wall Grafiti
Last evening it was threatening rain and quite dark, but we were still able to capture a few street scenes on our visit to Oliver. They are busy in the orchards and vineyards, weeding and spraying and watering. The cherries are forming nicely, and there are lots of leaves on the vines now.


L. D. said...

The red poppies are wonderful. If you lived near me I would be pulling off the seed stalks of the rhubarb so they would last longer. My neighbor depends on me to do this every year for him.

jennyfreckles said...

I'm having a job to keep up with everyone's blogs and I'm missing some fabulous photos here. Your weather seems to make for some great skies and light. The red poppies are so photogenic, just scattered where they are.

FilipBlog said...

These are all very colourful pictures, like the flowers.
