Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Country Lanes

I have always had a fascination for country lanes, ever since I was introduced to them at the age of eight in Lincolnshire. I lived with my grandparents in Clayworth for a while, and took next door's terrier for long rambling walks along them. I think it was the hedgerows full of wild flowers and birds that made them interesting, along with the absence of traffic.
Countryside with Dandelions

Country Lane, Oliver BC

Wandering with a Friend in the Country on a Sunday Aftrnoon
I wish I could write about the countryside like this chap. Look at the last sentence....
I love the photo of the Blackbird in the rain!


H said...

That last sentence is quite impressive!

Interesting to see a dandelion. I've been out today and there are fields and verges sporting so many dandelions that they are more yellow than green!

FilipBlog said...

Our dog also like to run, and she gets the opportunity every afternoon.
