Sunday, September 11, 2011

More Linden Flowers

Hanne at the outdoor cafe at "Frog City", Linden Gardens

These flowers seem to spiral up like fireworks!

Yesterday we attended the Summerland Fall Fair, with a pipe band, clowns, a lady on stilts, balloons, and lots of colorful flowers, vegetables and fruit competing for prizes. There were also quilts, paintings, and photographs; coffee, corn on the cob, and hotdogs. It was all very exciting. We still prefer photos from our Linden Gardens though for today's post....


Alan Burnett said...

Are the spiraling flowers lupins? I remember lupins from my youth, gardens used to be full of them, but - like red hot pokers - you don't see them as much any more. Have they all moved to Canada?

Michael and Hanne said...

Thank you for visiting Alan. No, they're not lupins. Unfortunately I don't know their name....
One guess would be Black Snake Root, but there are many similar shaped flowers around. I will have to ask next time we go....