Thursday, November 17, 2011


Snow on "them thar hills" ( Maybe you have to buy Kate Bush's "50 Words for Snow"?)

Slippery Roads Again

Icicles ? What are they about?

Our Favorite Restaurant is named " The Hooded Merganser"
Most people still spend a lot of time thinking about costs. For instance a headline in today's paper:- "The solar energy industry needs the electricity it produces to cost the same as electricity generated from fossil fuels." What about the costs of burning fossil fuels to the climate? Here is another header from today's paper:-" Major storms could submerge New York City in the next decade". Now that's a city of nine million people. That would cost a bit to replace.You connect the dots. Solar power versus fossil fuels. That's an unfair cost comparison to anyone with a grain of common sense. Look at the costs of digging out fossil fuels and moving them around safely. Solar power is free by comparison, and also almost infinite in supply. For another example, there is a small Danish Island that has no fossil fuels on it and is completely energy independent using wind power. The windmills pay for themselves in seven years.... Come on you guys stop spending your billions on pipelines and oil-tankers, and spend them on solar and wind and wave instead and save the planet for our grandchildren! It's a "No-Brainer" ! That was the phrase used by our PM about the "obvious" need for a pipeline to be built!

1 comment:

FilipBlog said...

Winter can be so beautiful. The mountains are just fantastic.
