Yesterday we went out with friends for afternoon tea, beer, or coffee. Hanne and I had afternoon tea, Ellen had coffee, Paris had beer. ( we all have our preferences, or allergies, or likes and dislikes, coming as we do from English, Danish, and Greek backgrounds.) On the lakeshore, the powers that be had restored our (previously vandalized )
bronze sculptures of three children playing on the rocks, to a suitable spot outside the Peach refreshment kiosk, i.e. the kiosk in the shape of a Peach. This is where we photographed our friends. The Peach is one of the symbols of Penticton. It is variously called "Peach City", "Ironman City" ( because of the annual triathlon event ) and in the summer when they hold an Elvis Presley music festival, for a week, it becomes "Elvis Town".
Ellen and Paris outside the "Peach" kiosk |
Children playing on the rocks. ( Bronze sculpture ) see link in text... |
Tulips, Mallards, and the Fountain outside the Lakeshore Resort |
Here in the Okanagan, as well as in many other North American places, we are plagued with floods, as the Spring run off from melting snow takes place. In Alberta however they have 84 forest fires, with high winds making the flames spread. In one town of 7000 the whole population are evacuating, and 1000 firefighters are trying to minimize the damage. Here in Penticton, it is quietly pouring with rain. Very unusual....