Writing from the Grapevine? |
Cherry Orchard with Shed ( Digital Painting ) |
I was just thinking ( a rare event you may say ) it is easy to try to communicate these days by "sending", we have so many technologies old and new, but it is the receiving that seems to be the most difficult. The advertising industry knows this only too well. Our daughter-in-law uses texts on her mobile phone, and gets a beep if there is an answer. She phoned us the other day on our land-line using Skype. It only costs $2.95/month. She only checks email once a week, however, and doesn't see Picasa. Google is constantly inventing and re-inventing ways to grab our attention. My friend in England sends hand-written airmails. We here on Blogger seem to use posts, comments, and emails. But all is to no avail if there is nobody at the other end....or is that necessarily true?
Today we had grapes for breakfast, with muffins and a boiled egg, and toast. On one of the grapes was what appeared to be writing. I think some caterpillar was on the grapevine, trying to send us a message.... I wrote my interpretation, but I'm not sure of the language. Anyone out there have an idea what it says?
Reception is key to all communication...
and now it is 9:40 AM and yes, we read your blog with enormous interest; can hardly wait for the next one. Now that you are getting messages from caterpillars and/or individual grapes, I just know your soul is open to all the wonders of nature and beyond. Good job.
I am impressed! I have never had a message from a caterpillar! Unfortunately I don't speak caterpillar either so I cannot offer any illumination on the message or perhaps it's a code? Pity Alice is not around ;)
I particularly like your comment on receiving versus sending. Just like a conversation in a room...we like to talk but do we remember to listen?
I didn't realise that was a grape - it looks like a precious polished stone.
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