Thursday, November 10, 2011


As you know, I am always harping on about alternatives to fossil fuel, so I was heartened to learn of this project in Nottingham using solar power, even on "This Clouded Island" (Caesar). Yesterday in downtown Penticton I photographed our early 20th Century Wind Power Mill. We definitely have a lot of wind in our valley. We are also encouraged by the success of voltaic cell research going on at Sheffield University.
On a different note, the red leaves result from a Danish Folk Song about colors. "My boyfriend is a mailman, so my dress is red" and so on. The last quote for today is for bloggers. "The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think"
(Edwin Schlossberg)
Solar Electricity in Nottingham! ( not everyone signed up though )         (Thanks to "The Guardian")

Wind powered electricity in Penticton. I love the title "Wincharger"

Downtown Penticton. Why not have a Gazebo on your roof? Why not have a yellow car parked outside? Why Ever Not? The front door is Yellow...

"My Boyfriend is a Mailman, so my dress is Red!"


Friko said...

Good for you, Nottingham, but I'd hate to have to live on an estate like this one. I wonder if the people are identical as their houses are. I am a snob.

I like colourful Penticton better.

As for the red carpet, yes please. I'd love to shuffle through.

FilipBlog said...

Good picture with all the solar plates.


Desiree said...

What a wonderful carpet of red leaves. Lovely capture!