The Old Commercial Hotel, Kaleden |
Skaha Lake |
Blossom on Alder Avenue. The Lilac is just starting in bloom. |
Cherry Orchard, Kaleden |
Kaleden is a small village nestled in the western hills above, and on the shoreline of, the middle part of Skaha Lake. It was started around the beginning of the 20th Century as a fruit growing area. We often go there for walks, and to enjoy the trails leading in and out, built over the old railway bed, and enjoy the restaurants, winery, and gardens. Today we have a photo showing part of the old Commercial Hotel, which is now a mere concrete shell, built in 1911. The other photos are of the lake; a garden on Alder avenue, and a cherry orchard on the hill. Rumor has it that the village was started by a fellow from Manitoba who could no longer stand the winters there...he did well with his apples, peaches, and pears, and shipped them off to market by boat using Skaha Lake. It seems to be often cloudy over the Lake, but sunny in the West...
PS You can now see more of Linden Gardens in Kaleden
It looks beautiful - but the hotel is odd, only the outside walls standing. Did it have a fire? I wonder what holds them up?
It's raining here for the first time for weeks - the scent outside, of wet earth and lilac, is amazing.
The hotel failed, so it was completely dismantled and the bits were sold. It didn't burn down. There is a house next door also built of re-enforced concrete which is now a restaurant and catering business. The re-enforcing ensures it will stand for a long time!
What a pretty spot to visit and enjoy regularly. I found the old hotel rather intriguing and also wonder how only thee shell remains intact. I am continually amazed by the unfolding transformation that occurs from the bleakness of winter to the splendour of spring where you are.
Ein "freiluft Hotel". Man kann es mit eigener Fantasie selber einrichten.
Die blühenden Sträucher sind fantastisch.
Stehen diese Kirschbäume nicht in der Schweiz ;-)?
Liebe Grüsse
At first sight I thought it was one of those follys you find in the UK - empty structures that are meant to be viewed from a distance. It looks beautiful.
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