Lovely Freesias from Elise for Easter. Elise and Adam are visiting for a few days... |
Easter Skies and new leaves, Penticton |
New Leaves on the Willows, Athens Creek |
It is already Easter, and the Easter Lilies are out. In Denmark they are called Easter Lilies, but here they are called Daffodils. I always spelt them "Lillies" but spell-check doesn't like the double "L". So I'll just call them Daffodils. With a double "F"...
The sun is also out, which is great, makes for sharper photos... reminds me of many Easter Sundays in the past, full of sunlight!
A very happy Easter to you all! Best wishes from Hanne and Michael.
And a very happy Easter to you from a rather less sunny Derby :)
Die Freesien riechen so gut.
Fröhliche Ostern euch beiden!
Liebe Grüsse
Kannst du bitte die Verifikation herausnehmen? Es ist sehr mühsam 2 lange, schlecht lesbare Buchstaben einzugeben. Danke!
I have deleted verification Angela. I had no idea it was there at all ! My apologies! Cheers from Penticton!
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