Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Vancouver Island Trip

Well today sees the end of our trip to the BC coast as we are packing up to go on our luxury coach to the ferry at Swartz Bay at 8.30 a.m. The rest of the day we will be driving across the Coastal Mountains back to Penticton. We have learnt a lot of new things about our beloved Vancouver Island, especially here on the " Wet Coast " as our friends call it, not without good reason as in Port Renfrew they have about 12 feet of rain per year. The vegetation is lush and green, festooned with moss and lichen, full of all kinds of animals, birds, and insects, apparently causing "green blindness " in tourists from Texas. Enough for now, more reports with photos when we return. Thanks for your comments Alan.... Hope you got your appointment !

Michael and Hanne


H said...

Looking forward to seeing your photos :)

Desiree said...

Having joined so much later than everyone else, I've been working my way steadily backwards through the posts I've missed. My goodness gracious me...12 feet of rainfall per annum is incredible! I LOVE rain, but even for me, that sounds just a few inches too many. No wonder everything is so lush! I'd love to spend time exploring this beautiful place, so please do share plenty of photos!!!