Caught you eating our bushes! |
Who? Me? I wasn't doing anything! |
Skaha Lake with Sage Brush in Flower |
Old Kaleden Road Walk |
Rabbit Brush Seeds |
We went for a pleasant, warm walk recently, and on the way out met Chewy our neighborhood deer. They are talking of culling them in Penticton and feeding the meat to the poor....
On our walk we found some rabbitbrush just waiting for the winter winds to spread its fluffy seeds, and some sagebrush valiantly still in flower since late August, all overlooking the fabulous view of Skaha Lake. Yesterday, being Thanksgiving, we enjoyed some fine turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, sprouts, broccoli, and parsnips, with mashed potatoes and gravy; and a slice of traditional pumpkin pie with whipped cream. On our recent bus tour we saw field after field full of ripe pumpkins, thousand upon thousand of them. In Manitoba and elsewhere they have competitions and I think the biggest weighed in at 1000Kg. this year. At the end of the month there will be carving competitions too for Hallowe'en.....
This must be very rewarding to have a deer in your garden. You probably live a long way from the city.
And I thought I had a lot to put up with, with the local squirrel pinching all the bird food. I try to scare the squirrel off by shouting at it - doubt whether than would have the desired effect with your visitor.
You have very lovely photos and the beauty and color of nature really comes out!
Well, it is the hunting season here now, where relatives of this beauty are filling freezer space up and down the country. Not at The Doll House, I hasten to point out.
Your have captured some beautiful images. When deer appear in my garden I never have the camera at hand.
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