Hanne, Elise, and Adam at White Lake. |
Wedding Time in the Okanagan. A Reception in a neighbor's garden. |
Cherry time in the Okanagan. "Pitting Cherries on the Deck" |
There are always people coming and going in this world. We are enjoying a nice visit with Hanne's daughter Elise and her Adam this last few days, but today they are going home to Vancouver. Yesterday a whole bunch of people left us and went to the bottom of the Volga. Duke William and Duchess Catherine left LA and returned to UK. But hey! Good news! Victoria and David Beckham had a new baby, their first daughter, named Harper Seven. I think it had something to do with his Manchester United Shirt. Famous people are allowed to have excellent names for their children. Like Moon Unit, Apple, Fifi Trixibell, Peaches, Hopper, Lark Song, Shiloh Nowel, Pilot Inspektor, Sage Moonblood....I just hope when they get to school, the other children will understand and not even dream of teasing them...
Next week we are expecting new visitors from Denmark, called Leif and Birte. Leif is pronounced "Life" and Birte is pronounced "Beerter". They are second cousins to Hanne.
New people. We are really looking forward to their visit...
They live in the comfortable knowledge that nobody will tease the offspring of a millionaire celebrity. Now hack their phones, that's a different matter altogether
Good point with the names, I am sometimes wondering as well. Love the cherry photo!
At the schools they'll go to, they'll all have names like that. I'm waiting with baited breath to see what name my daughter and SiL choose for their offspring....
Jenny, do you bait your breath with worms or what?
Bated is similar to abated meaning lessened or subdued. Really, holding your breath would do....wouldn't it?
Please tell us ASAP the new name, never mind about breathing!
You'll need to market yourselves as an upmarket B'n B at this rate :)
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