Our old car is now all new. Well, nearly. It has a new battery and some new brakes. The noise on full lock has gone- the worn stoppers have been repaired. We have new oil, filters, and fresh gasoline from the farm-fresh pump down the road. It is all clean and ready to go. Where shall we go then?
Yesterday it was calm and sunny, today we get cloud and wind gusts up to a maximum of 70Km/hr. Should make for good waves on the lake. Not good for cycling though.
Here are some November photos. We could get snow this month. Let's hope not much.
Meanwhile the climate in Greece just goes on heating up. The political climate also. I expect there will be a new government pretty soon.
In yesterday's newspaper there was an interesting article about a stolen tractor-trailer. The writer said that the owner stole it, and that there was a single driver on board. What he meant to say was that the owner reported it stolen, and there was only one person inside. It behooves us all to take care with our English, to make sure we always say what we mean, and mean what we say.
November Glow |
Good Morning! |
Old gate, New gate, Shushwap. |
Digital Painting |
Englishman never says what he means, and never means what he says, which makes it very difficult for foreigners. Now I have to go to Google Translate, to find out what my dear Polish friend Ira said in Polish on Saturday's blog...
Love the last picture!
Love the horse with the white line.
I love the colours of the maple leaves. They are vibrant!
The political heat in Greece is definitely escalating! The Euro-zone is in a bit of a mess.
What a boring and visually unattractive post! ("However,the Englishman never says what he means, and never means what he says")
If only the Greek Prime Minister was English! We would ignore this referendum natter right?
Alan, you're kidding of course? Aren't you? Tongue in cheek right right?
Beautiful autumn.
Greetings and kisses, Irene
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