Peach Blossom, Summerland |
Clay Cliffs, Summerland |
Larch, Willow, Mahonia, and the most-photographed girl in Penticton, Lakeside Walk. |
Yesterday, after watching Manchester United beat Chelsea 2-1 (I predicted Chelsea would beat Manchester United 2-1) we explored new territory, the lakeside area of Summerland, discovering cherry, apple, peach, and pear orchards, lovely beaches, parks, and camping grounds, and beautiful clay cliffs along the Okanagan Lake shore. There were signs all along the road saying "Beware, cliffs unstable". However, we survived. A few garden parties were in progress, to celebrate Mother's Day, and back home I am pleased to report that fathers were allowed in to share a special Mother's Day evening meal at the Lodge, including salmon, stuffed turkey, and pecan pie with ice cream....
Beautiful photographs (and pecan pie sounds rather delicious!).
I have to admit I predicted the same result as you. But Man U did deserve to win and indeed do deserve to win the Premiership as neither Chelsea nor Arsenal can match them at the moment.
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